The multiple connection channels that exist between Latin America and the European Community have increased the negotiation margins of the MERCOSUR countries. To verify the above, this paper first analyzes the institutional approach between the two regions and the formalization of a cooperation agreement, which is largely due to the priority that Spain has assigned to the region. We then refer to the problems of an agreement in the commercial sphere, the presence that the Community has in this regard in the subregion and the non-tariff barriers that it applies. Finally, it is concluded that the reforms in the agricultural sector (PAC), the concretization of the cooperation agreement, the industrial collaboration and the reorientation of the foreign policies of the MERCOSUR countries, show that there would indeed be a new link parameter.
MERCOSUR, European Community, Interregional Cooperation, Latin America, Foreign Policy
Author Biography
Lincoln J. Bizzozero R.
Investigador responsable del área de política internacional, Departamento de Postgrado de la Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay.
Bizzozero R., L. J. (1993). La relación entre el Mercosur y la Comunidad Europea : ¿Un nuevo parámetro de vinculación?. Estudios Internacionales, 26(101), p. 37–56.