El proceso de cambio institucional en la economía cubana


  • Sergio G. Roca Departamento de Economía, Universidad de Adelphi, Garden City, New York


Frequently, academic works on Cuba approach the revolution as a sui generis case, a unique event among social events, as a special model. This is not the case. Cuba is a common case and should be analyzed as such. This work is made up of three parts. In the first, the theoretical framework used in the analysis of economic reform during socialism in Cuba is reviewed, based on the research of Janos Kornai; what happened in the Cuban case is briefly reviewed. In the second part, Douglas North's approach to institutional economics is used to analyze the prospects for adjustments in Cuba of this crucial variable. In the third, by way of conclusion, some comments are presented regarding the struggle between deterioration and renewal in socialist Cuba.


Cuba, Economic Reform, Socialism, Theory of Institutional Change, Deterioration and Renewal

Author Biography

Sergio G. Roca, Departamento de Economía, Universidad de Adelphi, Garden City, New York

Profesor de economía y director de ese departamento en la Universidad de Adelphi, Garden City, New York.  Su área de interés es el desarrollo económico latinoamericano y la mayoría de sus trabajos se centran en Cuba.  Ha impartido clases en diferentes universidades de Estados Unidos, Canadá, Inglaterra, República  Dominicana y Cuba.  Sus investigaciones y publicaciones más recientes tratan sobre el programa alimentario cubano y la reinserción de la economía cubana en el sistema económico mundial.