La política exterior de Venezuela y sus opciones en el marco de los cambios globales y regionales


  • Andrés Serbin


The transformations in the international system have provoked different reactions at the hemispheric level. The countries have focused on deepening economic openness through free trade agreements and integration schemes. The Caribbean Basin has not been immune to these processes and, particularly Venezuela, has promoted important changes, reformulating its foreign policy. Thus, the intention is to achieve an active international economic insertion, complementing oil exports with the supply of non-traditional products in a subregional framework. Taking into account the priority given to subregional issues, this paper refers to relations with the United States, Colombia, the Andean Pact, the Group of Three, the Caribbean and Central America. Finally, when evaluating the results of this trend, it is concluded that although there have been great achievements; the cost has been the political and economic disengagement at the global level.


Venezuela, Foreign Policy, Economic Opening, International Insertion, International Economic Relations

Author Biography

Andrés Serbin

Director del Instituto Venezolano de Estudios Sociales y Políticos (INVESP) y profesor de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales de la Universidad Central de Venezuela. Es autor de numerosos artículos y libros sobre la Cuenca del Caribe de los cuales los más recientes son Medio ambiente, seguríiad y cooperación regional en el Caribe (Caracas: Nueva Sociedad/lNVESP). Fue presidente de la Asociación de Estudios del Caribe.