Compliance with environmental regulations adopted mainly by developed countries affects trade and international competitiveness, causing the emergence of protectionist tendencies, an issue that has caught the attention of the GATT. This paper details the legislation of the General Agreement and international instruments related to environmental matters, the activities and the status of the work of the GATT Group on Environmental Measures and International Trade (Ukawa Group), regarding the legal aspects, studies on multilateral transparency and the effects on labeling and ecological packaging. The results of the Earth Summit, held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, are also mentioned, highlighting the texts related to trade and the environment, especially the Agenda 21 of the Conference, which constitutes the basis for defending the interests of the developing countries in question.
Berthet, M. J. (1994). El GATT y las perspectivas ambientales en el contexto de la liberación del comercio internacional. Estudios Internacionales, 27(105), p. 36–65.