Europa y Estados Unidos en la democratización uruguaya : cooperación internacional y relaciones bilaterales


  • Carlos Luján


This work is based on the hypothesis that international factors and the changes produced in the international system have had an impact on the democratization process of Uruguay. To verify the above, the role of Europe and the United States in the three phases of democratization is analyzed: end of the authoritarian regime, democratic transition and consolidation. The first part analyzes the international politics of the country in the aforementioned periods and then the relations with the United States and Europe. The weight of the international on the internal level is evaluated, taking into account the perception of the elites and the Montevideo public opinion. It is concluded that in the Uruguayan regime change the external agents influenced, but acted together with the endogenous factors of the political system, which were a priority.


International System, Internal and External Factors, Democratization, Uruguay, International Relations

Author Biography

Carlos Luján

Investigador del área de política internacional de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de La República. Consultor de CEPAL, oficina de Montevideo, Uruguay.