Renovación y dinamismo de la integración latinoamericana en los años noventa


  • Roberto Pizarro


In this paper it is argued that the growth of the Latin American region in the 1990s is due to its strategy of liberalization and economic opening and the strengthening of integration processes. This is demonstrated in the successful new generation agreements - such as MERCOSUR, the Group of Three and other bilateral negotiations - which are distinguished from the previous ones by their depth and amplitude. We maintain that the renewed dynamism of economic flows, as well as various integration initiatives, place on fertile ground the possibility of establishing a free trade zone and moving towards the formation of a Latin American common market. In conclusion, it is stated that regional integration should be considered as a strategic resource to increase competitiveness in a world market characterized by the formation of blocks and achieve a dynamic insertion in the international economy.


Latin America, Growth, Economic Integration, International Economy, Latin American Common Market

Author Biography

Roberto Pizarro

Economista y académico chileno; ex-subdirector de relaciones económicas bilaterales del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile; en la actualidad es embajador de Chile en Ecuador.