las determinantes internas de la política exterior : un tema descuidado en la teoría de la política exterior


  • Marcelo Lasagna


This work aims to highlight the relevance of domestic factors in the formation of foreign policy. Without denying the importance of systemic determinants and recognizing their weight in the external behavior of countries, it is situated in a position that foreign policy theorists have generally neglected: the internal political process of foreign policy. This work focuses mainly on one of the possible domestic perspectives of foreign policy, one that emphasizes the change of political regime. From this approach, it is analyzed to what extent the change of political regime can affect the external behavior of the States and some specific cases are examined, to conclude whether or not it is possible to determine a direct relationship between each particular case of regime change and possible variations in foreign policy.


Foreign Policy, Domestic Factors, Policy Making, Political Regimes, Theory of Foreign Policy

Author Biography

Marcelo Lasagna

Magíster en estudios internacionales Universidad de Chile; master en ciencia política Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona; doctorando en ciencia política Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona; actualmente se desempeña como becario-investigador del área ciencia política de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona, España.