Integración regional en el Este Asiático : conglomerados económicos y redes étnicas


  • Hernán Gutiérrez B. Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile


This article analyzes the social fabric that sustains the productive integration experienced by the East Asian economies. In Japan and South Korea, the form of social organization that has sustained the explosive growth of their economies has been that of large conglomerates. While there are important differences between Keiretsus and Chaebols, particularly regarding financial connections, the partnership they established with the state was the cornerstone of economic development. In many other Asian economies, on the other hand, the Chinese ethnic network has played a major role in the commercial and financial take-off and integration. Both phenomena, taken together, indicate the importance of social and political factors in understanding the bases on which sustains the regional productive articulation.


East Asia, Japan, South Korea, Productive Integration, Economic Development

Author Biography

Hernán Gutiérrez B., Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile

Doctor en ciencias políticas (c), Universidad de Georgetown y doctor en economía, Universidad de París III, La Sorbonne Nouvelle; profesor del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales e investigador asociado de FLACSO, Chile.