Conocimiento y gestión territorial en la globalización


  • Sergio Boisier ILPES


The issue of the territorial impacts of MERCOSUR on a country like Chile is part of one of greater scope and complexity, such as the globalization process. In this sense, in the present work some ideas about globalization and territory are raised. First of all, starts with the idea of globalization as a systemic emergency whose most significant effects are the emergence of new scenarios with respect to geography, trade patterns, codes, meta-language and interconnection technologies. The above requires the incorporation of a cognitive system that allows to be subject and not object of the process. We maintain that, from the territorial point of view, a regional policy is required according to the context and specific knowledge of the new regions that are consolidated in the future.


Chile, MERCOSUR, Globalization, Territorial Impact, Regional Policy

Author Biography

Sergio Boisier, ILPES

Director de políticas y planificación regionales, ILPES.