With this issue of International Studies, a new stage of the journal begins. At the beginning of the publication of Volume XXXI, several modifications of substance and form can be appreciated that we hope will contribute to making it more agile, easier to read and visually more modern. From this number on, a section for New Researchers is incorporated that will publish the best theses approved in the Master's program in International Studies, as well as research works by those who are starting in scientific activity. In response to current needs, we will promote short articles and hold debates that contribute to the development of the analysis and study of international relations.
International Studies, International Relations, University of Chile, Academic Journal, Research
Cousiño C., J. A. (1998). Abriendo nuevos caminos : editorial. Estudios Internacionales, 31(121-122), p. 4–5. https://doi.org/10.5354/0719-3769.1998.15115