Filipinas : país latino en Asia


  • Virgilio Reyes


The Philippines was ruled by Spain from 1565 to 1898. Spanish influence has persisted in religion, language, laws and ethical values, and culture. That is why it has been described as a "Latin country" in Asia. However, the pre-eminent and basic influence of pre-Hispanic culture similar to that of its Asian neighbors must not be ruled out. In this culture there are also Chinese and Muslim influences. The most recent influence is North American, due to the occupation of the country until 1946 (interrupted by the Japanese occupation from 1941 to 1946). This has given way to an interesting development process that manages to overcome strong economic and political crises with its own stamp of the remarkable mix of cultures that historically occur in this nation.


Philippines, Spanish Heritage, Culture, Identity, Economy and Development

Author Biography

Virgilio Reyes

Diplomático e historiador filipino; diplomado en estudios internacionales en el Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile.