La mundialización de la cuestión laboral y el comercio : respuestas de articulación de los nuevos regionalismos en América del Norte, Europa y el Cono Sur de América Latina
The labor issue understood in a broad sense has become part of the topics on the agenda of international institutions, of the corresponding forums and bodies in the regions and integration processes, and also of governments at the national level. Ultimately, the labor issue in its various manifestations has become one of the substantive aspects of the social issue. In the present work, responses given by the regional processes of North America, Europe and the Southern Cone of Latin America regarding the inclusion of the social dimension in international trade are visualized and it is proposed that the debate in international instances shows the difficulties in defining certain nuclear principles that make it possible to advance in the concretion of norms and rules in the different frameworks of labor relations that affect production and trade.
Globalization, Labor Issues, International Trade, New Regionalisms, Social dimension
Author Biography
Lincoln J. Bizzozero R
Coordinador del Programa de Política Internacional y Relaciones Internacionales de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay.
Bizzozero R, L. J. (1999). La mundialización de la cuestión laboral y el comercio : respuestas de articulación de los nuevos regionalismos en América del Norte, Europa y el Cono Sur de América Latina. Estudios Internacionales, 32(127-128), p. 3–35.