The international context of post-cold war and globalization emphasizes the need to develop elements of a cooperative nature as an essential instrument, almost unique for medium and small countries. Even for the superpowers, the development of associative policies appears as an essential instrument when addressing challenges inherent to the emerging agenda in the international system. In order to advance in the treatment of the new agenda, whose instruments are based on cooperation, it is necessary to resolve the dimensions of threats established in the traditional agenda, linked to perceptions of threats of a military nature, especially in the sovereign territorial axis. The existence of political will to resolve the issues on the historical agenda and the development of mutual trust and security measures are fundamental instruments that have shown great efficiency when applied bilaterally and regionally in Latin America during the decade of the 90s.
Latin America, Confidence Building Measures, Regional Security, Cooperation, International Agenda
Author Biography
Francisco Rojas Aravena
Master en ciencia política; especialista en relaciones internacionales y seguridad internacional; es director de FLACSO-Chile; co-Director del Programa Paz y Seguridad en las Américas; es profesor de la Universidad de Stanford en su campus de Santiago y profesor adjunto de San Diego State University.
Rojas Aravena, F. (2000). América Latina, las medidas de confianza mutua y de seguridad regional : evaluación y perspectivas. Estudios Internacionales, 33(129), p. 18–32.