La Unión Europea y el Mercosur : dos bloques regionales buscan fortalecer sus vínculos


  • Amalia Stuhldreher


The delaying pace of trade liberalization at the multilateral level directly affects the negotiations between the European Union and MERCOSUR, which are aimed at an interregional association of a political and economic nature. However, in parallel with the definition of the negotiation schemes regarding non-tariff barriers to trade with its South American partner, the European Union confirms its commitment to MERCOSUR through an attempt to strengthen political dialogue. The challenge for both parties is to take advantage of the margins of maneuver, which are limited, to make use of interesting spaces to deepen cooperation between partners.


European Union, MERCOSUR, Interregional Relations, Cooperation, Strategic Association

Author Biography

Amalia Stuhldreher

Bachiller en ciencias políticas; licenciatura en relaciones internacionales; doctorado en ciencia política en la Universidad Johannes Gutenberg en Mainz, Alemania; colabora en la sección política del Badische Zeitung, Freiburg; responsable de la sección política regional y economía/relaciones institucionales de la Cámara de Comercio e Industria Sudlicher Obcrrhein (Industrie-und Handelskammer Sudlicher Oberrhein), Freiburg.