Las políticas de gasto europeas y el desarrollo económico


  • Isabel Vega Mocoroa


In this paper, the economic development in the European Union is studied through the instruments that exist for its achievement, that is, the various community spending policies. These guarantee a harmonious and controlled evolution of the large categories of expenses, and therefore ensure the development of those policies linked to the Single European Act. Among these categories of expenses we can distinguish two related to economic development; these are structural actions and external actions, or in other words: expenditure policy whose purpose is the internal development of the community and expenditure policy whose main objective is that of contributing to the economic development of third countries or non-member countries. These two ways to achieve development correspond to two different conceptions of the objective of economic development: external and internal, whose institutional framework and channeling channels are different.


European Union, Economic Development, Community Expenditure Policies, External Aid, Cooperation

Author Biography

Isabel Vega Mocoroa

Doctora en derecho y licenciada en ciencias económicas y empresariales por la Universidad de Valladolid; profesora titular de derecho de la Facultad de Derecho de Valladolid, España. Ha realizado varios cursos sobre la Unión Europea en la Université de Sciences Sociales de Grenoble y en la Universidad Libre de Bruselas.