Relaciones bilaterales chino-chilenas al umbral del nuevo siglo


  • Shixue Jiang Instituto de América Latina, Academia de Ciencias Sociales de China


Sino-Chilean relations, since the founding of the People's Republic of China have been marked by periods of great rapprochement and political and economic identification, as well as cooling, but where pragmatism has overcome different obstacles. The developments and new events after the end of the Cold War, the great technological, economic, political and social changes caused by the emergence of globalization and the deepening of internationalization, have given a new impetus to bilateral relations. China and Chile have approached on new bases and more favorable conditions after reaching the maturity of their relations. However, much work remains to be done to achieve higher levels of mutual understanding and knowledge.


China, Chile, Sino-Chilean Relations, International Economic Relations, International System

Author Biography

Shixue Jiang, Instituto de América Latina, Academia de Ciencias Sociales de China

Vicedirector y profesor del Instituto de América Latina.  Academia de Ciencias Sociales de China.