Las reformas económicas en América Latina y los desafíos del nuevo decenio


  • Ricardo Ffrench-Davis Muñoz Profesor, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile


Latin America has lived through a period of profound economic reforms. These were particularly intense during the 1990s, but there are also earlier cases in the Southern Cone. In all these experiences there were dramatic changes in the dimension of the State that gave much more space to private agents. The economic performance of Latin America in this new decade will depend, to a great extent, on the correction it makes of the main shortcomings that afflict the region today. They are associated with the failures and inadequacies of the reforms carried out in the 1990s, within the framework of the so-called “Washington Consensus.” In this article, we make a brief review of the need for reforms and those that have been carried out since the 1990s, the achievements, the shortcomings, the challenges in the new decade and, finally, what we call reforms of the reforms.


Latin America, Economic Reforms, Washington Consensus, Neoliberalism, Public Sector

Author Biography

Ricardo Ffrench-Davis Muñoz, Profesor, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile

Asesor regional principal de la CEPAL; profesor titular del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales y de la Facultad de Economía de la Universidad de Chile.