¿Qué es la tercera vía? : hacia un mundo con sentido


  • Luciano Tomassini Profesor, Instituto de Asuntos Públicos, Universidad de Chile.


The concept of a third way was used in the mid-1990s as a suitable slogan to promote the renewal of social democracy and the democratic left in Europe, and even the progressivism of the American Democratic Party. It would be a diagonal that would allow us to walk through politics looking to the right and left, taking a bit of the market from the first and preserving some social equity from the second. Indeed, it constitutes a symbol of the current cultural change, or change of time, in which things are ceasing to have identities given by immutable essences of Platonic origin and are constructed by meaning. The international system no longer responds to any previous theoretical description and is also searching for a name. These notes refer to the main elements that operate as a hinge between these two traditional planes in the contemporary world.


Third Way, International Relations, Advanced Modernity, Cultural Change, International System

Author Biography

Luciano Tomassini, Profesor, Instituto de Asuntos Públicos, Universidad de Chile.

Abogado, Universidad de Chile; profesor titular de la Universidad de Chile; cientista político, Universidad de Georgetown; investigador senior, Royal Institute of International Affairs y London School of Economics and Political Science; miembro del Consejo Superior de la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO); profesor visitante de FLACSO - Chile.