Due to the fact that there are different perceptions regarding the issue of cooperation and the vagueness of the concept itself, this article proposes the classification of cooperation within the framework of the United Nations in the economic and social spheres bearing in mind four aspects: information, participation, orientation and implementation. It also examines the problems related to the application of the consensuses reached in the meetings at the summit, conferences and special periods of sessions in the United Nations system, to finally formulate some suggestions, based on successful experiences, regarding the necessary conditions so that the ideals of the United Nations Organization may be fruitful.
United Nations, Economic and Social Cooperation, International Cooperation, Consensus, Multilateralism
Author Biographies
Gelson Fonseca, Embajada de Brasil
Embajador de Brasil en Chile; licenciado en derecho; académico, autor de numerosas publicaciones sobre relaciones internacionales; representante permanente del Brasil ante las Naciones Unidas (1999-2003).
Alex Giacomelli da Silva
Licenciado en derecho, Universidad de Campinas - SP; segundo secretario de la Embajada de Brasil en Chile.
Fonseca, G., & Giacomelli da Silva, A. (2004). La cooperación económica y social en las Naciones Unidas. Estudios Internacionales, 37(145), p. 67–81. https://doi.org/10.5354/0719-3769.2004.14571