¿Contradicción o díada? Política exterior de Chile ante el Mercosur


  • Joaquín Fermandois
  • María José Henríquez Uzal Profesora Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile


Chilean foreign policy towards the region appears many times contradictory. It declares the priority of the region, but dedicates most of its energy and internal legitimacy to promoting free trade agreements with the large trading blocs. This article explains that both faces belong to the same reality, where there is sometimes a contradictory discourse, but in a coherent strategy. It is about consolidating the general economic and political project, which emerged from the consensus of the late eighties. On the other hand, it needed to get closer to the countries of the region, from which it had distanced itself in the previous decade. This is analyzed in light of Chile's entry into Mercosur. At this time, before the so-called “Latin American crisis”, there was a universal positive regard for what has been exaggeratedly called the “Chilean model”.


Chile, Foreign Policy, MERCOSUR, International Insertion, Regionalism

Author Biographies

Joaquín Fermandois


Profesor investigador del Instituto de Historia de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; ha publicado libros y artículos sobre historia de las relaciones internacionales e historia de las ideas políticas.

María José Henríquez Uzal, Profesora Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile

Licenciada en historia, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; magíster en ciencia política de la misma Universidad; profesora asistente del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile; candidata al Doctorado en Historia Contemporánea, de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.