La lucha contra el terrorismo en la Unión Europea : evolución reciente


  • Vanesa Peidro Cid


In the context of the European Union, the fight against terrorism acquires a special character, due to the permeability of the borders to which the freedom of movement of persons permits. The integrated European area must be accompanied by greater joint efforts, which translates into an abundant legislative work at the Community level. Security is therefore one of the main concerns of European citizens and governments. However, the legislation must respect the fundamental principles of Community law, based on the rule of law and human rights. In this sense, the audit work of the Court of Justice of the Communities plays a central role since it guarantees respect for Community law. The fight against terrorism at the community level is therefore beyond the exclusive competence of the States and is characterized by greater complexity.


European Union, Terrorism, Regional Security, Community Law, Court of Justice of the European Communities

Author Biography

Vanesa Peidro Cid

Profesora visitante, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile; doctora en relaciones internacionales, Institut Universitaire de Hautes Etudes Internacionales, Ginebra (Suiza); licenciada en derecho, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (España).