This article addresses the relations between Chile and Peru based on the persistence of a series of crossed perceptions, made up of three images: that of a winning country versus a defeated country, that of an invader and invaded and, finally, that of a successful and stable country compared to the image of a politically unstable country with high levels of poverty. The analysis considers the existence of essential factors that cross along the ties between these two countries, such as historical mistrust and the presence of vital cultural differences between the two nations. Taken together, these factors allow us to understand the limitations that exist to achieve a deeper bond; to take a qualitative leap that surpasses the inheritance of the past.
Chile, Peru, Mutual Perceptions, Distrust, Cultural Differences
Author Biography
Paz Milet, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile
Periodista; magíster en estudios internacionales de la Universidad de Chile y doctor (c) en ciencia Política, Universidad de Leiden, Holanda.
Milet, P. (2005). Chile-Perú : las raíces de una difícil relación. Estudios Internacionales, 38(150), p. 59–73.