This article pays attention to a period that has not been subject of research by most scholars: we refer the period before 1910 and the origin and development of Chinese emigration to Mexico, the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries and the rise of anti-Chinese movements before the Mexican Revolution. The emigration of Chinese to Mexico began with the trade of the «Manila galleon» between the Philippines and New Spain (Mexico) during the colonial period of Mexico, increased in great numbers in the late 19th century along with the rapid economic development of Mexico during the Porfirio Diaz regime, and led to the establishment of diplomatic relation between China and Mexico. However, at the end of Diaz period, the increasing economic strength of Chinese immigrants gave rise to the anti-Chinese movement.
Mexico, China, Chinese Emigration, Sino-Mexican Relations, Anti-Chinese Movements
Dong, J. (2006). Chinese emigration to Mexico and the Sino-Mexico relations before 1910. Estudios Internacionales, 38(152), p. 75–88.