For the countries that are members of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the emergence of China has implied a change in how the regional economy conducts and how they relate to each other. China has become a non-formal member of NAFTA at no cost and currently is the second most important trading partner of the United States, Mexico and Canada. Thus, relations within the region have changed, as have economic conditions and priorities. What effect has it had? How have the NAFTA members reacted? We maintain that, especially in the Mexican case, there has been an error in the interpretation and analysis of Chinese actions in North America; that China is facing great trade friction with the United States and that Mexico requires new strategies in order to compete with Chinese products.
China, NAFTA, Trade Competition, North American Markets, International Trade
Author Biography
Víctor López Villafañe
Director del Centro de Estudios sobre Norteamérica del Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrery (ITESM), México.
López Villafañe, V. (2006). El creciente papel de China en los mercados de América del Norte. Estudios Internacionales, 38(152), p. 5–17.