Education and interculturality in Chile: a framework for analysis


  • Carolina Stefoni Espinoza Universidad Alberto Hurtado
  • María Fernanda Stang Alva Universidad Alberto Hurtado
  • Andrea Riedemann Fuentes Universidad Alberto Hurtado


Societies are undoubtedly subject to continuing change. But we do not know exactly how deep these changes are, where they lead to, the interrelations of the various aspects involved, its effects in other fields and how, as these are modified, they bring about transformations that change the various fields anew. In this scenario of movements and counter movements it is not only difficult but fanciful to establish causal relationships to comprehend social phenomena. To believe that migrants per se cause the effects and demands they are assigned with – such as the displacement of domestic workers from labor markets, the lack of security of the neighborhoods they live in, the increase of crime rates, drug trafficking and, at present, terrorism – can work in political nationalist discourse, but not in the argumentative debate that should characterize the academic world.


migration, intercultural education, Chile, ethnification, antiracial education

Author Biographies

Carolina Stefoni Espinoza, Universidad Alberto Hurtado

Académica Departamento Sociología Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Directora Programa Interdisciplinario de Estudios Migratorios (PRIEM).

María Fernanda Stang Alva, Universidad Alberto Hurtado

Asistente de investigación, Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Miembro del Programa Interdisciplinario de Estudios Migratorios (PRIEM).

Andrea Riedemann Fuentes, Universidad Alberto Hurtado

Posdoctoranda Fondecyt, Universidad Alberto Hurtado y miembro del Programa Interdisciplinario de Estudios Migratorios (PRIEM).