Asia Oriental y Meridional y el Pacífico : inicios de 1972


  • Marcelo Aberastury


There is no doubt that Asia in general, and East and South Asia in particular, is at the "hub" of world politics. This is why new criteria, approaches and different evaluations must be used to enhance the value of Asia as a subject and not an object of world politics. The dynamic and changing character of the "situations" is evident in East and South Asia in the events of the last months of 1971 that rid India of Pakistani concern, and made it, along with China and Japan, one of the main states of the region. These three nations all border with the USSR, which in Asia is a permanent geographic fact. In addition, there is currently a growing appreciation of the importance of the Pacific strategy and the United States is a key player.


East Asia, South Asia, World Politics, Pacific Ocean, United States

Author Biography

Marcelo Aberastury

Ha estado a cargo de cursos de sociología y de relaciones internacionales y ha colaborado en distintas publicaciones argentinas y extranjeras, desde hace más de treinta años, sobre temas atinentes a la política mundial. Asimismo, ha sido funcionario de la Cancillería argentina y de la Secretaría de las Naciones Unidas. Becario internacional y autor de trabajos sobre historia del derecho romano y estadística interamericana. Entre sus trabajos, en el campo específico de la política mundial, figura La OTT en la política mundial, Paidós, Buenos Aires, 1969, y Política mundial contemporánea, Paidós, Buenos Aires, 1970.