The purpose of this article is to analyze the powers of the Constitutional Court of Chile on the disabilities and incompatibilities that affect the ministers of State and the members of both Chambers of the National Congress. Bearing in mind that the prohibitions established with respect to the indicated authorities are sufficiently described in the regulations and in the doctrine, this work approaches the subject from an empirical jurisprudential perspective, focusing its analysis both on decisions of the Constitutional Magistracy on the issues directly framed in the powers contained in numbers 13, 14 and 15 of article 93 of the Charter, as with respect to other regulations linked through the filing of inapplicability appeals. The article closes with reflections regarding the peculiarity of the ministerial and parliamentary prohibitions in the Chilean case, coming from its presidential political regime.
Inhabilities, Incompatibilities, State ministers, Parliamentarians, Constitutional jurisprudence
Fernández Baeza, M. (2015). Prohibitions of ministers of State and parliamentarians: the powers of the Constitutional Court. Revista De Derecho Público, (72), Págs. 143–162.