Francisco Rojas Aravena
Doctor en Ciencias Políticas por la Universidad de Utrecht. Secretario General de la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO)
Daniel Soto Muñoz
Abogado, profesor e investigador de la
Academia de Ciencias Policiales de Carabineros, consultor en derechos humanos y derecho humanitario
In recent years in many countries there has been an important conceptual association between human rights and human security. Both the United Nation’s doctrine of “human security” and the concept of “multidimensional security” of the Organization of American States have suggested that the traditional security concerns must take a new approach. Security previously centered on the integrity of the states, is now focused on protecting people. This new concept incorporates human rights within the new meaning of security, creating new priorities for the states. The growing amplitude of this new concept may produce a new and evolving definition that may lead to practical confusion between the roles of national defense, which corresponds to the armed forces, with the security features normally assigned to the police.
Human security, multidimensional security, public safety policies
Rojas Aravena, F., & Soto Muñoz, D. (2012). International standars and public security. Revista De Derecho Público, (77), Pág. 441–451.