Upper and Upper Middle Class Children’s Behaviour in Malls


  • Salomón Magendzo Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano (UAHC)
  • Miguel Bahamondes Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano (UAHC)


The following research was based on the assumption that the cultural and social
transmission of adults and Malls, would rebound on the behaviors and rituals wich
children (which in the case of the present study belonged to the upper and middle–
upper class), would displaye in consuming spaces, specifically in Mall. However,
and contrary to the above, it was also claimed that given the stage of development
in which these children are (9 to 11 years), they would re–appropriate the space as
stated by Certeux (1996).
The methodology was descriptive, exploratory and quantitative, using the technique
of non–participatory observation.
The results accounted for diverse behaviors of the children inside the Mall, the analysis of which allowed to sustain what was postulated regarding the cultural transmission of the adults and the Mall, but not the hypothesis of the re–appropriation.


Economical child learning, cultural transmission, urban spaces