Responsibilities and ethical duties in the inclusion of individuals with psychiatric disabilities


  • Manuel Pérez-Ayala Psicólogo. Magíster en Bioética. Universidad Autónoma de Chile, sede Talca. Escuelas de Psicología y Fonoaudiología
  • Beatriz Gálvez Terapeuta ocupacional. Diploma en Salud Mental y Psiquiatría Comunitaria, Hospital de Día Curicó
  • Claudia Pacheco Terapeuta ocupacional. Candidata a Magíster de Terapia Ocupacional, Mención Salud Física, Hospital de Día Curicó.


Individuals with psychiatric disabilities have been precariously served, poorly considered, and made to be socially invisible in our country. Since the beginning of the last decade, the field of Public Health has constructed guidelines and strategies to optimize interventions to promote effective community inclusion. However, these strategies have been losing support and, in the process of justifying programs and services, the mental health model, especially the community approach, has begun to prioritize the quantity, rather than the quality, of interventions. This article reviews the roles that families, the community, and mental health teams play in the inclusion of this population and analyzes their shared responsibilities and ethical duties that influence the decisions, autonomy, and civil promotion of individuals with psychiatric disabilities. It is concluded that inclusion is achieved only when relevant services are incorporated; when mental health teams are cared for and supported; and when activities involve both family members and the community at large.


Psychiatric Disability, inclusion, community mental health, ethics