Political struggles in a chilean comics magazine: Okey, 1949-1965
Jorge Rojas Flores
Doctor en Estudios Americanos por la Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Académico investigador de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACh)
This article shows the presence of political content in the most important comic book of the 50, Okey, published between 1949 and 1965. The objetive is identify how messages originated in comics, created mostly in Europe and the United States, circulated in a peripherical country like Chile. Incidentally it also aims to propose a methodology using systematically this type of documentary source. In this article, among many political values detected in this magazine, we analyses colonialism and tyranny.
Rojas Flores, J. (2014). Political struggles in a chilean comics magazine: Okey, 1949-1965. Cuadernos De Historia, (40), Pág. 115–145. Retrieved from https://revistaei.uchile.cl/index.php/CDH/article/view/32983