This article proposes the regional study of the african slavery phenomenon in Chile. The Province of Coquimbo, in this way, shows propitious for the searching of slave trade dynamics, because of the relevant percentages of afrodescendants and slaves recorded in census and others demografic sources. It exposes the lines of this trade, the sold ages and prices, the ocupation spaces and the masters, concluding about the variations in relation with the type of slave presents in the early eigthteenth century, from a black important presence to an extended mulatización toward the end of that century; and an utilization as much of domestic service as agricultural and mining worker in the begining, to an ocupation principaly domestic towards the nineteeth century.
slave trade, mulattoes, Province of Coquimbo, miner slaves, domestic slaves
Arre Marfull, M. (2011). Slave trade: creole mulattoes in Coquimbo or slave circulation of local "reproduction", 18th-19th century. A research proposal. Cuadernos De Historia, (35), Pág. 61–91. Retrieved from