It is published with its original spelling and in full the manuscript, deposited in the historical archive of Bolivia (Sucre), by who was administrator of the Office of Lamar (Cobija), Manuel Hernández Alonso, with unpublished references abaout the settlement and initial development of this port, founded in 1825 by Simón Bolívar to the service of the Republic of Bolivia, on the arid coast of the Atacama desert.
Bolivia, Cobija, Lamar, province of Atacama, Bolívar, Sucre, Hernández Alonso, 1828, Valparaíso
Téllez Lúgaro, E., & Silva Galdames, O. (2012). News about the historical beginnings of Lamar (Cobija), first port of Bolivia in the pacific (1828). Cuadernos De Historia, (37), Pág. 241–248. Retrieved from